Monday, February 22, 2021

easy day

Im tired and everything is sore. I was able to get 6 rto pushups before my chest screamed stoppppppp.

Today is an easy day.

5 rounds of
Bw pushups 
Bw trx rows
Bw squat + lunges (2 squats + 1 lunge)


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Full body calisthenics | Pushups, chinups, and squats

Everything done in the order below. I performed an entire circuit (~2-3min set). Rest 1.5-3min then restart.

All sets stop 1-2 reps before failure.

Pushup variations

RTO ring pushups

Ring pushups

Floor pushups

Rope tri extensions

Pullup variations

Towel offset ring pullups

Ring pullups or close grip ring pullups

Ring pullups + band

(remember for next time) Jackknife pullups

Squatting variations

BSS jumps

Trap bar jump squats + 50lbs

(remember for next time) Jump squats


(remember for next time) Squats

~32min total

Stretch shoulders and biceps

Friday, February 12, 2021

condition | bw circuit | 2/12/21

20min of
10 burpees
10 chinnies (ab exercise)
10 squats
10 pushups 

No idea how many rounds i got. If i was able to make it through the burpees then the rest fell easily.

power training | 2/11/21

 Focus shifts away from heavier weight and completely to moving medium weight as fast and violently as possible. No failure allowed.

)lm push press x4

)trap bar high pull x4

))depth drop pushups x4

))trap bar squat jumps x4

)))ankle hops x4

)))lm pendlay rows x4

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

condition | deck of cards | calisthenics + keg

Fucking love this workout. You can repeat it infinity times and not do the exact same workout 2x. I completed the workout below in 21:15.

Each suit represents an exercise 
Each card value represents reps or an action

Spades: bss left leg
Clubs: bss right leg
Diamonds: bw squats
Hearts: pull chain (additional info below)

For spades and clubs
2-king = 1x reps on the card
Ace = run with a front keg carry 50 yards

2-king = 2x the reps on the card
Ace = run with a front keg carry 50 yards

2-6 = 1x reps on the card close or reg grip ring chinups
7-king = 1x reps on the card ring rows
Ace = run with a front keg carry 50 yards

Saturday, February 6, 2021

ally with the moon

"Ill be right back" Sarah said. 

She was already in motion towards the beer tent leaving Chet alone by the festival water station. Her Sailor Mars costume drew few eyes as she became a red blur towards the pilsners. It was early, and the sun had not come out yet. This left the field clear sparing yogis, coffee fiends, dance zombies from the night prior, and the Sailor Scouts.

Chet looked down at his costume to avoid the inevitable acid come up panic moment. It turns out if you fit a bear into a dress he just becomes a bigger bear. A more noticable target. But it was early. The dance zombies are molly monsters and don't want to discuss the weather. He was safe.

"Oooo hey there handsome," coo'ed a sing song voice.

Fuck. The spell was broken. Not safe. He looked up and made eye contact with two purple wigged women collectively covered in less than 5 pieces of tape. His breath sped up. Digusting festival sex was a bucket list item. This is happening. This is happening. This is happening! 

"We just think youre absolutely gorgeous," said purple 1.

Terror. Chet felt absolute terror. This is not happening. Too much eye contact was made. The soul gaze started. They know.

"We were really hoping to meet someone like (brief pause, probably only 2 hrs) you." Sing songed purple 2.

"Where the fuck is Sarah," Chet wondered, "She is my totem."

"We just wanted to know what team you play for." Purple 1 asked. 

Ah, rank and file. This one Chet knew. His right hand flew on the wings of light in an upside down salute below his jeweled tiara.

"I ALLY WITH THE MOON," Chet saluted.

Have you ever seen someone melt away? Moonwalk away? Jigger away? It's a move you do when you are afraid to break eye contact but need to leave quickly. The purples jiggered away and were eaten by dance zombies.

"Got my beer! What's next?" Sarah said cheerfully.

Chet turned slowly. The weight of the world coming back into focus. The grass stopped snickering louder than thought.

"I fucked up," Chet said, "Sarah, i fucked up."


It's too easy to get lost in the woods and forget where you came from.

I spent the worse half of an hour describing an unfortunate experience with one of my resources falling well short of my expectations.
- we didn't have a solution 3 months ago, and we dont have one now
- why didnt she call out a product gap and work on defining a solution rather than dig a deeper hole under the guise of 'testing'
- why didnt she trust me

That last one keeps me up at night. When i bring the hammer down, I tell myself that i dont want to do this. I HAVE to do this. The first part is true, the second is full of holes. Im the villain in this story, and its weird to think about. 

Im here to help now, but i need to show up ready to apologize. How many times did my pride also prevent me from giving up and driving a timeline into oblivion? Answer: A fuckton. The fact that i did not have empathy for someone who suffers from the same good intentions is hypocritical at best.

The moral is to try and empathize with people's struggles. This goes double for when they have failed. The goal is not to break people down leaving the cream to rise. The goal is to nurture potential. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

nordic ham curlz

Easy morning session.
10x2 nordic hamstring curls 
Focus on slow eccentric and holding statics at the end range of motion.

Slowwwwwly working my way to a full range of motion week over week. Looking forward to doing these unassisted full rom and with added weight.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

power calisthenics | upper | h push + v pull

80% workout, trending towards -10%
Low volume all around. Not feeling a lot of oopmf behind getting a ton of sets in. However the sets i did get in were solid.

Other things learned today:
Answered the age old question - is AJ ready for ring hspu ANSWER NO. I sat in a headstand and shaking arms for 30s before giving up the ghost. 

Rto pushups are wayyyyy fucking harder than wall assisted handstand pushups.

Work up to extended rom handstand pushups before attempting ring hspu again.

Workout (morning)
Ring hspu x 0
Chin 45x8,2,1 80x1 slow eccentric
Hspu 9,8,3
Rack chin 13,12,12,11,10,8
Rto ring pushups 3,2
Ring pushups 10,9,8
Bw Tricep ext 1xamap
Delt medley (light band)
Band hammer curl 1xamap

Workout (afternoon)
Farmers walks 300lb

Closer to Warrior Diet than OMAD.
Start eating at 5p. Generally get 1-2 meals in.
Focus is on getting as much protein as possible in this time frame, but macros and calories are not tracked.

Monday, February 1, 2021

addiction and dopamine

What am i addicted to? Like really really addicted to? What thing gives you thaf little dopamine boost and that feeling of ahhhhhh fuckin finally when you give in? Does this thing also make you think...why am i doing this? I know this isnt good for me but i just want it out of my system.

For me? Porn, reddit, youtube, and looking up exercises. I think about this all the time. All the time. The little engineer working in my brain exchanging dopamine for schmekels demands it. And what's the payoff?
- porn: i want to see some loads in some mouths stat.
- reddit: what if im missing out on something huge on wallstreetbets.
- Youtube: random looking up an exercise or checking for new content.
- exercise: lets see what person X has to say about weighted pushups.

Here's why these are bullshit.
- Porn: ive got a wife. I can see loads live. Also, when i was single using porn made me feel empty after.
- reddit: i will sometimes miss out on things but its covered by the news. That being said, these misses dont change my investing strats.
- YouTube: i rewatch videos all the time like a safety blanket.
- exercise: i already like weighted pushups. I dont need reinforcement.

When i look at these things im not trying to get better or learn something new. Im actively sucking away at my limited supply of willpower and dopamine.

Fill in these addictions for yours. How much energy do you gives yours versus what you get back? Did you exist before you had these things? Can you be happy without these things?

power calisthenics | lower

Not exactly a calisthenics day. Ive been thinking a lot more about the ethos of this page regarding simplification of effort. A brief foray last week into the wisconsin method reminded me that I don't operate well with static set, rep, and exercise schemes. I like putting in a lot of effort into a few buckets often and calling it a day.

The science doesnt match up with using omad (one meal a day) and exercising multiple times a day, but thats what we are gonna do. If my recovery takes a hit i can always takena day off.

Nordic ham curls x27 (partials at the moment)
Belt squat 140 1x50
Jump squat 1x10
Bss 1x10

In and out in 20min


Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles men...