Friday, August 19, 2022


Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles menu. Ohhhh ya those fucking kettlebell jalapeno poppers gaaaaargle snarf snarf.

I finally get war story bros even though I still hate them. When someone says I used to deadlift as much as you before I took an arrow in the knee, they may actually be genuine and not moving the goalposts. I have no idea if I'll ever be able to deadlift 2x bw again and frankly, I don't give a shit. My priorities have shifted from get huge and strong at all costs to - be mobile in shape and explosive. 

I am humbled by this neck injury. I am also embarrassed. Every back injury I had was an opportunity to get a jacked upper body and I squandered my time. I had no idea how integral neck health was to literally all movements, so this injury has been as damaging psychologically as it has been physically. For the past year I've been more or less ignoring the problem. This was a mistake. I've been able to lift what I want but at a VERY low level. Wtf is the point? Eventually the pain and the numbness got worse and I had to back off completely. In retrospect, it would have been a better idea to lose progress for 3 months in recovery instead of 1 year of shitty workouts where I lost progress anyways.

This by no means STOP EVERYTHING. I still maintain that physical activity is the lubricant needed for recovery. A true war story bro just gives up. We aren't giving up. We are pivoting.

Things I've learned bullet style
- physical therapy doesn't necessarily know wtf they're doing. If what they are asking you to do hurts or makes the problem worse and their response is well just try harder, leave.
- lower body options that do not load the neck exist in spades: bw squats, bss, sled drags (a+++++). These are all low impact and can be done every day. 
- work on your grip every other day. 
- when you return, a heavy emphasis on chest mobility, kb oly variations, and neck strengthing is in your future.
- daily trap self massage is money. Professional massage is a must and not a luxury. Strive to go 2x a month 

There is no reason to get out of shape because you can't do hard or heavy movements. Something > nothing always.

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Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles men...