Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Condition | Deck of cards | Focus on explosive work

Spades: left leg bulgarian split squat jump
Clubs: right leg bulgarian split squat jump 
Hearts: clapping pushups 
Diamonds: squats

Squats 104 reps
Everything else 49 reps

Explosive exercises use half the reps each card represents rounding down. This entire series takes no time to run through. In an ideal world id run through the deck twice.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Train | Ring dips and acc | 9/21/20

Shoulders and pecs are lookin finnnnnne. I'm enjoying this 'all pull work is bw' both super setted with heavy pushes as well as throughout the day on non lifting days. Looking forward to getting a rope in the next few weeks to really blow my arms and back up.

Ring dips
30x12,4,2 --3 rep gain
10x14,7,1 --2 rep gain
Bw only
Ring dip x10
Ring pushup x8
Pushup x6

Accessory (all x1, all one arm at a time)
Band row 
Tri band extension 
Bi band curl 
Rear delt raise 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Condition | Deck of cards | all 4 cards meant something

Did my usual jaunt through a deck of cards, only this time i broke my movements into 4 instead of 2. This....was actually pretty great. If i didnt have to get back to work i would have done another run through the deck.

10min total
Spades: left leg split squat 
Clubs: right leg split squat
Hearts: clapping pushup (half the reps per card)
Diamonds: squats

On clapping pushups being half reps, i was liberal with rounding up or down.
7 could mean 3 or 4 reps
King could mean 6 or 7 reps

I can easily see doing the same schema with jump squats down the line.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Train | Ring Dips and Accessory

Solid workout. Getting in 2 rest days in between rest pause type sets is the right call for recovery at this point in my life. I woke up full of piss and vinegar and ready to roll.

Bcaa + eaa

Ring dips, rest paused sets
30lbsx13,5,2 super set ring rows x26
10lbsx14,6,2 super set ring rows x13
Bwx16,9,5 super set ring rows x7

Acc, all 1xamap
Band row
Band row shrug
Squinx extensions 
Band tri ext
Kb curl
Band rear delt raise

Bcaa + eaa
Glug = Milk + 6 scoops pea protein + greek yogurt + frozen blueberries

Friday, September 11, 2020

Back assistance with suspension trainers

I just got a brand spanking new suspension trainer (trx knockoff, all of $37) and im in looooove baby. Couple of quick notes on pull day assistance work.

Back: suspension shrugs > band pulldowns)
I've always hated pulldowns. I have no idea why, they just never felt good to me. After a couple of harder sets with weighted inverted rows, i still want something light to get some blood in my back. Ive been doing band pulldowns out of desperation, but i really don't feel like i get a lot out of them. I pull. I get tired. I step in. I pull. Repeat until i can't step in anymore bored bored bored.

Enter today. Bodyweight shrugs allow for a ton of volume that i feel throughout my back (even traps!!). Lean back as if you were about to do an inverted row with you feet planted on the ground. Then shrug and squeeze your back. Use your arms as little as possible. When you run out ot steam, step backwards and continue the set with a different angle.

This shit is money.

Biceps: trx > rings
Maybe my rings are too high off the ground. Maybe it's maybeline. Dont care. Ive been tooling around with pelican curls (also called mephesto curls, cool name bro) to no avail. Likewise, regular ring curls are too easy unless i go one arm at a time.

Using the trx knockoffs handles (as opposed to the rings) it's a shitton easier to grip and focus the tension on my biceps as the reps progress. At no point did i feel like my hands were getting torn up. Again. Money.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Ethos | Easy conditioning with a deck of cards

Easy way to get some conditioning in when you have limited (or no) equipment.

Each card represents the number of reps you need to complete:
2 = 2 reps
3 = 3 reps
10 = 10 reps
jack = 11 reps
Queen = 12 reps
King = 13 reps
Ace = 14 reps

Choose 2 or 4 movements to complete. You should be able to complete > 13 reps in any movement you choose, so more skill oriented moves you haven't mastered are not a great choice.

2 movements: assign 1 to each color
- black: squats
- red: pushups
Volume: 208 reps per movement

4 movements: assign 1 to each suit 
- spades: squats
- clubs: inverted rows
- diamonds: pushups
- hearts: ab wheel
Volume: 104 reps per movement

The goal is to get the work done as quickly as possible without going to failure on any set. 

Use as many or as few variations of each movement as you want. It doesn't matter dude.

Example: pushups (alternate between each variation, or not)
Close grip
Wide grip

When in doubt, opt for 2 movements over 4 for simplicity. 

WHY: This is awesome
For all things conditioning, I always struggle with 'how much.' Even if I have a time limit (as much as possible in 10-20min) what are the params within that time? Until I quit? Until I get tired?

F that. It gets boring and wears me down. The point of these sessions is to become more resilient. In better shape. Faster. Getting tired while doing that is not cutting the mustard.

This method is awesome because you know exactly how many reps you need to do. Too easy? Do it faster and in fewer sets (if you have to rest at all). Still too easy? Add a small amount of weight. Still too easy???? Try a new movement you aren't as good at.

The variations you use are contingent on what equipment you have around you. Even if that answer is 'nothing' your options are numerous. Get creative.

PAIRINGS: That work
Squats + pushups
Squats + pullups
Squats + inverted rows
Squats + jump rope
Squats + crab walk
Squats + bear walk
Squats + lizard walk
Squats + sledge hammer slams
Squats + sled pull
Squats + sled push
Squats + kettlebell swing hard style
Jump rope + pushups
Split squat (left) + split squat (right)

If it gets too easy (i.e. you can speed through every rep and set with minimal effort) you can either:
- get faster (subjective)
- add a small amount of weight via a vest

If adding weight, be extremely conservative. The goal is daily movement, active recovery, and conditioning. This is not a strength workout.

If you don't have a deck of cards, download a deck of cards app on your phone for free.

Misc Notes
Sled work: 
Take long deliberate steps pushing through the heel. It's ok to go ultra heavy as you will never take more than 14 steps.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

It's been a long year baby

So. Here we are. 2020 from when i last posted.

Summary of the things
I got covid. It sucked.
I accepted a new role at my job.
I got married.
I built some stuff in my home gym.
I got in rad shape.
I got out of shape.
I fixed my back and knees.
My back sucks again. Knees are, ok?
Went on a plan C honeymoon trip from where im currently blogging.

Lifting discoveries 2020
Sled pulls are absolutely OP when it comes to rehab. Don't stop doing them.
Most power exercises are not ok for me right now. That sucks but it's got to be ok. The goal is to get better and better until power can be a main focus again.
Not all calisthenics exercises have to be weighted. Some things - especially pulls - can be extremely effective with bodyweight only.
Rest pause is an extremely useful intensity technique. Use with care because it will wipe you right out.
My favorite combo is ring dips rest pause sets ended by banded rear delt raises.
Daily sun and exercise is clutch.


Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles men...