Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Get there, then figure it out (Maxing out the weight you have)

Buying more advanced fitness equipment is a lot like buying smaller clothes when you are morbidly obese. Ya, you may eventually fit these clothes, but you only dropped 5lbs dude. Maybe consider getting so small that your current clothes look ridiculous. The new clothes are a reward not a target.

I can't tell you how many times I have to fight the inclination to jump the gun buying something I don't need or didn't need. Well, I'm lifting 200lbs now but I only have 250lbs max. I really should buy up to 300lbs to prepare for this inevitability. What never fucking happens after I pull this trigger? Getting to comfortably lift 250lbs. 

What's a better strat? Run into the problem of being too fucking strong for the equipment you have. Hit that weight, then hit it for more reps. Then more. Then more. 

Did this become ridiculous? Fine.

  • Decrease the speed of the negative.
  • Add pauses.
  • Do 1.5 reps.
  • Go to silly amounts of reps.
  • If this is a bodyweight movement, you have the option of changing the leverage.  
You should be so lucky to have the problem of being too strong for your current equipment. Feeling like you have hit a ceiling when you top out your available weight is a creative limitation. 

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