Wednesday, March 3, 2021

reducing dopamine dump | good bye coffee | day 1

I've never had to quit anything substantial before. Cigarettes never really took with me. I drank booze because I thought I was supposed to drink booze to be social.

Recently I've been looking at where my anxiety, digestion problems, and fluctuations in weight occurred. Smack dab at 18 yrs old. What happened at 18? Two things:

  • Daily coffee 
  • Social media

I went from confident and energetic as all hell to depressed, anxious, and tired unless I filled my tank constantly. I've already dropped social media this year and happier for it. Dropping coffee, sucks. It really sucks. Beyond the simple fact that I love the smell, the taste, and the feel of coffee, I feel like absolute dogshit right now.

It's important that I write this now because I tend to forget the journey and the outcome when I relapse. So far...


I'm kind of a low grade dick to everyone

7a-10a, when i usually drink coffee, is awful

I'm not tired but I'm not 'up' either

One small headache which clears up with an Advil

Workout went fine. No noticeable drop in performance

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