Thursday, March 4, 2021

reducing dopamine dump | goodbye coffee | day 2


This experiment has become somewhat of a 'what does my final form look like.' I'm interested in my real level of energy when I'm not spiked up on a daily basis. The nagging fear in the back of my head is - what if my real energy sucks? What if I can ONLY feel good and normal with a drug I've been taking in daily for decades? That voice can scream all it wants. I don't think I'll be able to answer this question honestly until I've been off the black sauce for a few months. If my life is truly better with it, so be it. I have a feeling that I'm going to feel differently. Every single thing I've worked to remove from my life - porn, social media, soda, clutter/things - has improved my life in ways I didn't expect. Why would coffee be any different?

Day 2 Recap

Day 2 sucked in a way day 1 did not. Where day 1 brought headaches, day 2 brought overwhelming fatigue and a complete void of a sex drive. I was definitely less edgy than day 1, but the edge was still there. I had 0 desire to work out, so I just put in 10min of glute ham raises. Like day1, exercise performance was not really that impacted. Intensity definitely takes a hit, but I'm going more so for volume/hypertrophy these days anyhoo.

I found that intermittent fasting worked extremely well at keeping my energy up during the day. I only hit an extreme low once I broke my fast at 430p. Longer fasts (closer to OMAD) may work better in this case. Also important to note that I broke my fast with a fuckton of peanut butter, bread, and honey. MAYBE just maybe the sugar rush had something to do with an extreme drop in energy. I dunno I'm not a doctor.

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