Saturday, February 1, 2020

Exercise | Increase Power | 2020 -13 | Quick and the dead 60 reps

Note on the title '2020 - 13'
This is the 13th recorded workout in 2020 I'm tracking. The other 12 have been logged and abandoned on my old blog. It was time to take my old blog behind a shed and put a shell in its forehead while it smiles back. "I love you," it says. BLAM BLAM. I love you too cosplayandiron. You were always good to me, but I just don't have a desire to lift for cosplay anymore. 

Quick and the dead = Pavel book. Using two(2) movements - kettlebell swings and pushups - we have a minimalist program that strives to increase power output.

Workout Notes
60 reps two handed swings
60 reps explosive pushups on knuckles. Attempt to leave the ground on each rep.
All sets are 10reps/set (finding I like 6x10 way better than 12x5)

These workouts generally leave me feeling fresh when I'm done. Improvements week to week focus on applying more force per rep instead of increasing weight or # sessions per week. Adding weight is fine when it comes to general strength or hypertrophy training, but it cripples power training. What happens is my ability to actively exert power per movement starts to die about halfway through a workout. Instead of training power, I'm training speed or speed strength. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but pursuit of power is the goal here.

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