Saturday, February 1, 2020

Exercise | 2020 - 14 | Conditioning | Single 20kg Kettlebell

Made this shit up. Nice way to burn 20min when it was raining.

4 rounds, 2min rest between rounds
1 kettlebell 20kg
Each exercise is performed once per side per round (clean x5 left side, press x10 left side, cleanx5 right side, pressx10 right side)

clean x5 then press x10
Two handed swing x10
Two handed sdl x10 (next time increase reps or make one handed)
Suitcase carry x100ft

For grease the groove during the week ive moved more towards weighted pushups, kb curls, ab wheel, and kb one leg rdls. I want to stay away from taxing my lower back until actual workouts.

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Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles men...