Friday, February 21, 2020

Train | 2020 - 20 | Mix walk with a 20kg kettlebell

Found that the order -
- suitcase carry
- rack walk
- waiters walk
- (switch hands and repeat)

-is way better than the other way around. I expected to do KB swings after this, but my back has been dodgy as fuck these past 2 weeks. I'm going to make this sequence my main actual training sessions.

For greasing the groove, I've still got:
- Bodyweight rows
- Ring pushups
- KB presses
- All da curls
- Band pullthrough

For the bodyweight rows and ring pushups, I'm adopting a little bit of a different strat.
- Single reps only, just do a ton of sets with short rest
- Explosive reps
- Load them the fuck up

Incoming equipment:
- Metal sled I'll convert to a dragging sled.
- Cinder blocks for da sled.

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Nothing gets me more interested in programming than getting injured. I look at training modalities like a starving man looks at a Chiles men...